Thursday, February 26, 2009

Student Loan Consolidation - How to

Students today frequently find themselves trapped under a pile of loans, many of them taken out at high interest rates that they can no longer afford to pay. For people who are struggling to pay off these student loans, consolidation can offer an easy path to freedom.

But it can be difficult to find the right company to deal with. Consolidation is available for both federal loans and private college loans, and refinancing can be had as well. One thing to be aware of is that even after paying off your initial loan, the consolidated or refinanced student loan will still be non-dischargeable under bankruptcy.

To start finding a company to perform this kind of service, many people turn to the Internet. Although this can work, many of the loan service provided on the interwebs are prone to scammers, and their offers should be treated with large grains of salt. For more on this sort of loan adjustment and renegotiation, get in touch with a bank, if they still still exist at the time of writing this article.

Debt consolidation loans are also available, typically these come at very high rates of interest, and are not available to the general public. If you have college loans that you'd like to treat in this manner, refinancing them may or may not be possible.